Our advanced AI capabilities can help add intelligence to your existing systems empowering you with automated results, better analytics, higher throughput and improved ROI.
By analyzing queries, studying previous logs of successfully closed customer queries and other vital consumer parameters, our Chatbots like DEXTER offers a contextually sensitive answering service to customers.EKSTRARE
Our unique Optical Character Recognition (OCR) solutions EKSTRARE doesn’t require a template and by looking at and understanding the language, document types, context and the finest details of how various documents are structured, our AI engine autonomously builds a deep understanding of your documents and the data within them enabling easier and advanced processingWACH
With our Facial Recognition solutions WACH, we aim at recognizing faces in images and the real-world – making it easier than ever to transform the way your business interacts with humans and objects
Meet Nikky – The Robot with AI
We employ various principles while evaluating how to utilize Artificial Intelligence technology within a business. Our unique AI process follows unique steps which are explained in the below charts

Technical Consultancy
With the growth in AI technology, Robotic Process Automation has evolved to its next level in automating the monotonous works with high accuracy and efficiency. Our expertise in work automation has helped several businesses and organizations to reduce the requirement of manpower and thereby to yield higher profit margins. Some of the automation tasks we have done for our customers include automated signature forgery detection for financial institutions, automated number plate detection, service registrations for auto dealership and many more. To know more about RPA