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Author: nkmindia
NKM India > Articles by: nkmindia

Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

Digitalisation is a catalyst for change and for industry, digital transformation has been the harbinger of massive productivity, resilience and sustainability benefits of the Industry 4.0 era. The transition from manual to digital systems bolstered by access to high performance…


Drones for military use – A perspective on critical technology building blocks(Part 2)

Post release of the Indian Government ‘Drone Rules, 2021’, which comprised major upgrades of the existing drone norms, there has been considerable excitement in the Drone Industry, both from the OEM as well as the end Users perspective. This is…


Drones for military use – A perspective on critical technology building blocks (Part 1)

In my last article I highlighted Application Development Framework, Data Fusion, Situational Awareness & Common Operational Picture (COP), Cognitive Information Processing using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge Management (KM) Systems, Communications middleware, Information Assurance as mission critical technologies for military systems…
